Yoga Ancient & Modern for Teachers or Seekers
This is a powerful opportunity to explore all things “Yoga.” You will hone skills and build confidence in your embodiment and understanding of Yoga.
This course is designed to Unveil Yoga, revealing its Myths as well as the timeless wisdom within its mythology. Experience the Magic that the practice holds to shift patterns, transform vision and enhance relationships, as well as the place of magic which runs through Tantra, the Yoga Sutra’s and the Epics. Explore Mastery via extended daily practices and through a ton of techniques to build your confidence within the portal of your own body, utilise your voice and develop your leadership skills.
Yoga Unveiled: Myth, Magic & Mastery has a strong focus on leadership, self exploration and refining your skills as a teacher. Whether this be to teach for fun or professionally, or to simply understand what you are practicing and how to support your own journey into yoga.
- The wisdom of Indian mythology
- Roots of Yoga: From the sages to Tantra yoga
- The development of asana into the modern day arena and how to keep the thread of liberation alive!· Cultural appropriation verses appreciation, religion & the globalisation of spirituality
- Back to Basics: Pranayama combined with Asana (posture) to mirror the rhythms of the cosmos and the cycles of birth/death
- Hatha yoga and Surya Namaskar: Refine foundation, alignment & focus
- Vinyasa Flow to foster creativity, balance and transitions – a practice for Life
- Restorative Yoga to invite radical rest, welcome intuition and quieten body/mind
- Yin Yoga to welcome space and explore the edges of discomfort, ease beyond tension and harness the power of the mind
- Posture clinics to understand alignment, personalise your adjustments and reveal hidden treasures within posture
- The magic of the Yoga Sutras and a modern interpretations of the Yamas and Niyamas for social and environmental justice
- Yoga in the Bhagavad-Gita including duty, purpose, death & rebirth
- The Path of Hatha Yoga and the vital energy body as the foundation of Modern Yoga
- The Art of Intelligent Sequencing for Vinyasa, Power, Hatha yoga, Yin & Restorative yoga & unique ways to theme & develop your practice either for your self or for classes, workshops and courses
- Practice and teach in a way that engages the pancha kosha: The 5 bodies of the physical, vital, mental, wisdom and bliss
- Verbal, Visual and Tactile adjustments
- Vocal activation techniques to speak from a place of inner authority & refine your leadership skills
- Introduction to Trauma Informed Care for Yoga & Social Justice
Give yourself 10 days and see what magic unfolds!

Bex has studied yoga at university level whilst also spending trillions of hours on a yoga mat. She has taught thousands of women and trained hundreds of teachers. In short, Yoga is her passion and her constant companion and most intimate friend. Her homeland is Scotland and she carries its rich wilderness and myths in her heart wherever she goes. She grew up with a passion for social and environmental justice which led to her gaining a MPhil graduate degree in Development Studies at Oxford University.
The results of this maverick position has led her to teach yoga in some unlikely places including Bali’s largest prison, in refugee camps in Palestine, women’s refuges in Kathmandu and sex workers and women branded as witches in Kolkata. Bex has been a resident teacher at the Yoga Barn in Ubud Bali since 2009. This has afforded her with a wealth of experience. She teaches Hatha, Vinyasa, Power, Yin/ Yang, Yin, Yoga therapy, Restorative yoga, Acroyoga, Thai Massage as well as the art of teaching, yoga history, philosophy and mythology.
Her work combines the practice and movement of yoga with its deeper roots through intensive research and study of its rich history and philosophy, resulting in a unique and sophisticated approach to yoga that questions the mainstream narrative created by mass media and corporations and is of specific benefit to women’s holistic health. She has been guided by some incredible mentors including Denise Payne, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Angela Farmer, Mark Whitwell and Alexandra Pope.
All questions regarding the training should be directed to the teacher that is offering the training. The curriculum, course content and itinerary are organized by the teacher — not The Yoga Barn.
A 200-hour program is typically considered the foundational training for new instructors. A 300-hour program is often for more advanced study and specialization.
Yes, YTT is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to teach yoga. After successful completion and certification, you can begin teaching.
Consider factors like the program’s reputation, curriculum, location, instructors, and whether it aligns with your goals and interests.
After YTT, many instructors continue to deepen their practice, gain teaching experience, and pursue further education or specialized training.
In many cases, yes, but requirements can vary by country. It’s essential to research the specific regulations and visa requirements.