Sadhana 100h Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
w/ Carlos Romero & Rafael Chaman
August 12th - 23rd, 2024

The 100-hour Yoga & Somatics Deepening Training centers around Sadhana, offering a transformative exploration of Embodied Practices. Participants will immerse into self-awareness, self-development, and personal transformation. This training aims to support individuals in deepening their body-mind & soul connection, expanding their inner wisdom & self-awareness, while fostering a sense of inner radiance and well-being.

Here’s what this program entails:

  1. Foundations of Sadhana: Participants learn about Sadhana—a daily spiritual practice for self-realization and personal evolution. The training emphasizes discipline, commitment, and devotion to deepen the spiritual journey.
  2. Somatic Practices: Integrating somatic awareness techniques, participants explore internal sensations, movement patterns, and body-mind connections. Somatic Yin, Body Mind Centering, and Somatic Experiencing help release tension and enhance body awareness.
  3. Embodied Hatha Yoga Asana: Engaging in mindful yoga asana practices, participants focus on alignment and breath awareness. Somatic awareness is integrated into poses, promoting mindfulness and intentionality.
  4. Pranayama and Breathwork: The training covers pranayama techniques and Somatic breathing exercises. Participants regulate breath, increase life force energy (prana), and deepen their somatic experience.
  5. Meditation and Contemplation: Meditation practices cultivate present-moment awareness, inner stillness, and self-inquiry. Various techniques quiet the mind and connect participants with inner wisdom.
  6. Personal Sadhana Development: Guided by support, participants tailor their Sadhana practice to unique needs and goals. The training provides tools, resources, and community support for a sustainable and transformative Sadhana ritual.
  7. Kirtan and Bhakti: Integrating Kirtan (devotional chanting) and Bhakti (path of devotion) deepens spiritual practice. Joy, gratitude, and love inspire personal transformation.
  8. Integration and Transformation: Weaving somatic practices, embodied yoga, pranayama, meditation, contemplation, Kirtan, and personal Sadhana development, participants experience holistic growth.

Program Inclusions:

  • 100hr Yoga Alliance certification (YACEP and contributing hours towards 300hr advanced training with Yoga Alliance)1.
  • Daily Organic Brunch at The Yoga Barn’s Garden Kafe
  • Comprehensive Exploration of Sadhana, Somatic Practices, Hatha Yoga, Embodied Flow, Pranayama, Meditation, Kirtan, and More!!!
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About the teacher
Carlos Romero

Carlos is a Surfer yogi devoted yoga teacher, originally from Venezuela. He has been immersed in the journey of self-exploration over the last 20 years, including Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Jivamukti, Dharma Mittra Yoga, Anusara, Yin and Embodied Flow. As an E-RYT 500 instructor, he offers ongoing classes, workshops, immersions, retreats and teacher trainings. He is the kind of a yoga teacher who artfully curates every moment of the mind-body-spirit journey, leaving just enough space for silence.

His fascination with the healing arts, connective tissues, working with the fascia and the cellular intelligence of the body inspired his quest to create a space where yogis can find their own meaningful connection to life force, while opening up the energetic lines of the body and uncovering spaces through conscious breath and movement.

Carlos is known to take you for a journey into the sensations of your inner universe, dropping deeper into stillness and awareness, where you can experience your own uninterrupted rhythm and frequency.


Early Bird (Until 2nd July)


$1,800 USD



$2,200 USD 


I have questions about this training – where can I get more information?

All questions regarding the training should be directed to the teacher that is offering the training.  The curriculum, course content and itinerary are organized by the teacher — not The Yoga Barn.

What’s the difference between a 200-hour and a 300-hour YTT program?

A 200-hour program is typically considered the foundational training for new instructors. A 300-hour program is often for more advanced study and specialization.

Will I be able to teach yoga after completing YTT?

Yes, YTT is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to teach yoga. After successful completion and certification, you can begin teaching.

What should I look for in a YTT program?

Consider factors like the program’s reputation, curriculum, location, instructors, and whether it aligns with your goals and interests.

What happens after YTT is completed?

After YTT, many instructors continue to deepen their practice, gain teaching experience, and pursue further education or specialized training.

Can I teach internationally with my YTT certification?

In many cases, yes, but requirements can vary by country. It’s essential to research the specific regulations and visa requirements.