Forrest Yoga – Foundation Teacher Training
w/ Ana Forrest & Jose Calarco
September 20th - October 15th, 2024

“Do what guides your Spirit home.”– Ana Forrest
“Your personal transformation reshapes the cosmos.” -JoseAna

Immerse yourself into a 26 day life-changing Training 
The Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training is an opportunity to build vitality, discernment, and the capacity to heal. You will break through lies and facades into your authentic self, learn to speak with breath, confidence and wisdom, and develop professional ethics grounded in honesty and integrity. Every day supports your personal evolution.
 This deep dive into Spirit and Ceremony encompasses 22 days of morning practice, Ceremony and extensive teaching practicum. Plus, there’s a 3-day Functional Anatomy for Yoga Teachers course, and a 1-day Forrest Yoga Business Course. You will leave equipped and ready to teach, after 200 hrs of contact teaching time and with a comprehensive manual.

Course Structure
The Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training encompasses
•    11 days of morning practice, Ceremony, and practice teaching
•    3 days of a Functional Anatomy course
•    11 more days of practice and Ceremony
•    1 day of a Forrest Yoga Business Course

Curriculum Themes
Yoga as a healing path
Learn the tools to take control of your life and rid your cells of unwanted pain, suffering, and trauma. Then you can bring the same healing to your students.

Walking the path of your Spirit
Find your Spirit, connect to your Spirit, and take the actions that strengthen that connection. This awareness guides you to teach from truths that are discovered rather than from a dogma.

Teaching through discovery
Through a tightly woven circle of teaching modalities including lecture, videotaping, group processes, practice teaching and partner work, you will participate in a wide variety of teaching activities which provide the road to discovery.

Who is This Training For?
For those who desire to move deeply within themselves. 
Yoga students who yearn to contribute to healing our planet & people. Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced teacher, we welcome those who desire to move deeply within themselves & into Great Mystery. People anywhere on the yoga spectrum will enjoy the transformative benefits of this training. We expect you to have the willingness, health and strength to commit to 100% of this teacher training.


EARLY BIRD (until 20th July)





I have questions about this training – where can I get more information?

All questions regarding the training should be directed to the teacher that is offering the training.  The curriculum, course content and itinerary are organized by the teacher — not The Yoga Barn.

What’s the difference between a 200-hour and a 300-hour YTT program?

A 200-hour program is typically considered the foundational training for new instructors. A 300-hour program is often for more advanced study and specialization.

Will I be able to teach yoga after completing YTT?

Yes, YTT is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to teach yoga. After successful completion and certification, you can begin teaching.

What should I look for in a YTT program?

Consider factors like the program’s reputation, curriculum, location, instructors, and whether it aligns with your goals and interests.

What happens after YTT is completed?

After YTT, many instructors continue to deepen their practice, gain teaching experience, and pursue further education or specialized training.

Can I teach internationally with my YTT certification?

In many cases, yes, but requirements can vary by country. It’s essential to research the specific regulations and visa requirements.