Reiki Training | Level 1 – Grand Master
w/ Punnu Wasu
November 3rd - 7th, 2024

Reiki is known for deep relaxation, stress relief and natural healing. It is a simple and powerful “laying on hands” energy balancing technique which is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. Feelings of tranquillity and peace are often experienced after giving/receiving Reiki sessions along with a renewed capacity to cope with the pressures of our busy daily lives.

Join Punnu for his training to discover Reiki or to take your Reiki skills to the next level. He teaches according to the tradition of Dr. Mikao Usui Sensei and has over 30 years of experience in Reiki and has studied various other holistic healing modalities. The training may be taken as a 1-5 day course, culminating in Grand Master Certification. Completion of each prior level is a prerequisite for joining subsequent levels. You will receive a comprehensive Reiki manual and a certificate for each level.

Whether you want to treat yourself, help friends/family/pets, develop yourself spiritually or start a professional practice, Reiki has endless healing benefits and anyone can learn this practice. It also compliments and works in conjunction with other holistic healing modalities to empower the session and enhance recovery.

About the teacher
Punnu Wasu

Punnu was born and raised in Hyderabad, India into a family that has a true love for kirtan and spirituality. From an early age, he was interested in learning and practicing meditation and various other healing modalities. He has studied with different masters in ashrams and yoga & meditation schools all over India, Indonesia and Philippines.


Level 1

USD $350

Level 2

USD $400

Level 3

USD $450

Level 4

USD $550

Grand Master

USD $700

Training can be booked as a package or individually.

Receive a 10% discount if you join 2 or more levels


I have questions about this training – where can I get more information?

All questions regarding the training should be directed to the teacher that is offering the training.  The curriculum, course content and itinerary are organized by the teacher — not The Yoga Barn.

What’s the difference between a 200-hour and a 300-hour YTT program?

A 200-hour program is typically considered the foundational training for new instructors. A 300-hour program is often for more advanced study and specialization.

Will I be able to teach yoga after completing YTT?

Yes, YTT is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to teach yoga. After successful completion and certification, you can begin teaching.

What should I look for in a YTT program?

Consider factors like the program’s reputation, curriculum, location, instructors, and whether it aligns with your goals and interests.

What happens after YTT is completed?

After YTT, many instructors continue to deepen their practice, gain teaching experience, and pursue further education or specialized training.

Can I teach internationally with my YTT certification?

In many cases, yes, but requirements can vary by country. It’s essential to research the specific regulations and visa requirements.