Soul Symphony
w/ Punnu Wasu
December 18th - 22nd, 2024

Embark on a transformative journey into the depths of your inner self, where ancient practices and soul-enriching experiences await. “Soul Symphony: A Path to Inner Mastery” is not just a course; it’s a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary insights, a profound exploration of your own inner symphony.

Explore a rich array of profound topics, including:

  • Ancient Powerful Meditation Techniques
  • Self-Exploration
  • Sacred Mantra Chanting
  • Yoga and Pranayama
  • Inner Integrity – Discovering Your True Self
  • Ego’s Games: Breaking the Cycle
  • The Alchemy of Pain: Turning Suffering into Personal Growth
  • Knowing The Mantra Of Life – Tapping Into the Secrets and Potentials Of The Universe
  • Personal Growth And Growth In All Spheres Of Life
  • Healing Relationships
  • Connection With Your Higher Self
  • Self-Expansion
  • and many more topics
About the teacher
Punnu Wasu

Punnu was born and raised in Hyderabad, India into a family that has a true love for kirtan and spirituality. From an early age, he was interested in learning and practicing meditation and various other healing modalities. He has studied with different masters in ashrams and yoga & meditation schools all over India, Indonesia and Philippines.


Soul Symphony

USD $690

10% “Early Bird” Discount ends November 1st!


I have questions about this training – where can I get more information?

All questions regarding the training should be directed to the teacher that is offering the training.  The curriculum, course content and itinerary are organized by the teacher — not The Yoga Barn.

What should I look for in a training program?

Consider factors like the program’s reputation, curriculum, location, instructors, and whether it aligns with your goals and interests.

What happens after a training is completed?

After a training is completed, many individuals continue to deepen their practice, gain teaching experience, and pursue further education or specialized training.