At The Yogi’s Garden
Four days of silence and stillness to help clarify the mind.
Traveler, path and destination all merge into silence where they disappear to reappear again as singular expressions of the wholeness of life…
A week of slowing down, dwelling in, paying attention to whatever arises and finding deep connections with self, others and the world through the practice of Zen meditation and yin yoga.
Join us at Yogi’s Garden, in Payangan, in the Uphills north of Ubud for a 4 days / 3 nights silent Zen meditation and yin yoga retreat.

Born in Tehran, Iran in 1957, Hamid left his native land at an early age to become a nomad of the world. Exposing himself to different countries, cultures, languages, and traditions, he settled into Paris in 1985 to study philosophy and at one point had Jacques Derrida, the French philosopher, as teacher.
These early beginnings ignited a philosophical and spiritual journey that he still pursues today.
Drawn to Buddhist meditation and philosophy in the early 1990’s Hamid encountered Japanese Zen Master Ryotan Tokuda in 1997, was ordained as a monk at Ei Tai-Ji Monastery in the South of France in 2000 and, in 2011, was given permission by his master to pass on the teachings he has received. Though doing this for over fifteen years now, Hamid sees himself as a retreat facilitator not a teacher or guide.
Hamid studied at École des Praticiens de la Psychothérapie in Nice, France, and after finishing his training in 2005 became a counsellor, an activity he still pursues today.
Realising that acquiring knowledge and understanding was only part of the equation, Hamid has continued his personal studies and practice while sharing his experience by conducting lectures, meditation retreats, and personal therapy sessions.
Hamid’s lectures draw not only from personal experience but his combined interest in Eastern and Western meditative traditions but also from poetry. He considers writing poems as his life’s work. .