What if you chose to prepare for the holiday season with an alternative attitude and protocol? A renewed take on what would magically exhilarate your body-mind-spirit to naturally and instinctively avoid the unhealthy indulgences. One that will provide you with a hundred ways to say, “No thank you,” with a genuine smile, and sincerely mean it!
Our special guest and detox guest facilitator, Hillary Hitt, is offering exactly that presenting this opportunity for change.In December Hillary is back by popular demand to host her 7-Day Dharma Healing Fasting Retreat. Divinely timed just before the festive season, Hillary will share how to look and feel fantastic during the holidays – and into every New Year to come.
The Festive Indulgence

For the majority of the world, holiday celebrations always bring a very welcome excuse to indulge. As Christmas parties kick off, hangovers become a norm and portion sizes gradually increase, the merrymaking festivities bring gatherings and lots of fun, but consequently cause havoc on the body.
Additionally, there are “the clever media schemes, designed to hypnotize you to consume” explains Hillary. Widespread media that says “it’s OK to let go and not to be concerned about your waistline, until after New Year’s”; especially since January sees the launch of new diets, exercise programs, weight-loss regimes and gym offers!
We live in a world where we are governed to act as a collective: if they have another drink, I should too; if they eat that, of course I can, if that advert says do it, then I’ve got to do it. But what if you found the strength to curb the festive indulgence and take a radical act of self-care for your health?
It may seem like an alien concept, not over indulging at Christmas and New Year yet Hillary shows us that it is possible.
Hillary’s Take on Preparing for The Festive Season
We caught up with Hillary to understand more about her take on festive indulgence and how her Dharma Healing Fasting Retreat can help you to re-think. Here is what she had to say:
“Yes, holiday time is when we allow ourselves to let go of our cuisine conscious routines, and close our eyes to how we might look or feel when the holidays are over. But what if you chose to prepare for the holidays with an alternative protocol?
Of course, you know I am not going to propose to you a Caribbean cruise with three meals a day, or a free month of vegan burgers at McDonald’s (a new addition to the congested menu). In fact what I am proposing, teaches you the art of satiating the spirit with gratitude, through non-indulgence, along with how to look fantastic and feel better than ever during the holidays and into every New Year to come… “

What is the Dharma Healing Fasting Retreat?
As Hillary explains, “the Dharma Healing Fasting Retreat is a detox experience and one that I invite everybody to do.” This retreat will address the body-mind-spirit interface, the course of bio-spiritual nutrition, Dharma, yoga and meditation classes.
The 7-days will provoke thought through sharing knowledge, as Hilarys explains: “the collective-conscious-group dynamic as well as your personal moments of intimacy, insight and inspiration, expose you to your depth and proprioceptive sensitivity while supporting you to see clearly into your immediate future—the holidays.”
Throughout the retreat, the perspective you acquire of Your Whole-Self, “gradually progresses with each day as the body becomes the sacred guide of your future mind. Gradually, the body advances the minds capacity to make decisions that discern, digest and destine your future choices with spiritual intelligence.”
This fasting retreat is not a juice fast. It uses mineral broths and herbal supplements such as homemade Five Flavor Cleansing Formula, bentonite clay, vitamin C and Ionic Liquid Minerals to dig deeper into your healing journey. It is an incredibly in-depth and researched retreat that we are honored to host in service of helping you to look after yourself from the inside out.
The Role of Fasting in Maintaining Your Health

Hillary has been an avid faster for decades. She brings a wealth of experience to the table on this retreat through a week-long program that is founded in a spiritual education according to the Buddha Dharma principles of “looking at oneself clearly without conditions”. Her fasting philosophy goes beyond the physical body, opting for “a totally-holistic cleansing journey that moves towards the path of awakening.”
“Fasting brings forth an alchemical epiphany of potential purpose, physical potency and reflective resonance that divinely drives your mindful-presence to encompass all that defines Life: The whole world, You, Now, and your behavior into the future”, she explains.
“With complete devotion, determination and design, you honor your future decisions with wisdom”, and then after your fast, “life conceives you, as a coherently, self-creative, conscious being, who energetically connects, not to the fragmented, emotional self, but to the Authentic Whole-Self as the entire universe.” It is a profound experience.
Self-love Over Indulgence
Hosting such a transformative fast so close to Christmas, Hillary has created a way to help her guests to re-program how they think about indulgence. She is confident that “any previous memories to indulge during the holidays disappear, as the old self, and old needs, dissolve during the intensive cleansing.” Actually, she says: “you cease to function as a separate individual, with munchies on your mind and an appetite for moonshine. Instead, you break your fast with Love, Light and the universe as your witness. “
If this sounds like a retreat that you need, read more here.Or find out more about the fasting-cleansing process in our earlier interview with Hillary.