Two passionate yogis teaching here at The Yoga Barn, and announced as feature BaliSpirit Festival 2019 presenters are Carlos Romero of Livin’ Inspired and Daniela Garza, Daniela Mandala Yoga. They co-teach a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) course in Bali through the School of Healing Arts, and run individual therapeutics trainings and workshops fusing Thai Yoga Massage and myofascial release techniques to harness the power of healing pathways in yoga. Learn more about their journeys and how to book one of their transformative courses here.
Healing through yoga is as profound as it is intrinsic, and those with a passion for therapeutics offer ‘healing’ as the fundamental intention for each and every practice. Their belief is that drawing from universal energy and the integration of traditional healing arts empowers effective shifts in the subtle energetic and spiritual layers of our hearts and physical systems.
The rising trend and rapid growth of ‘yoga’ in the west is reflective of how millions of individuals feel their quality of health has improved from adopting age-old yogic philosophies. ‘Yoga’ is becoming a way of life. It is equally proving a powerful vehicle for integrated modern practices with pathways to healing often associated with the Traditional Chinese Medicine qi and 12 channel theory, Thai Massage Zen Lines and more recently the Myofascial therapy system.
Both Daniela and Carlos self enquiry and explorations of yoga began far from the shores of Bali where they live now. Be inspired through their personal journeys of harnessing healing through therapeutic integrations of yoga.
Daniela Garza – Daniela Mandala & School of Healing Arts
A talented gymnast Daniela grew up in Mexico and was blessed with a healer as a mother who encouraged her love of movement and creativity from an early age. Following the ‘healing’ lineage of women in her family life revolved around attending alternative therapy courses, and overtime exercising the healing arts with her siblings in their home based healing room. There she treated friends and the community at large with a range of modalities that included bio-energetics, osteopathy, reflexology, thai massage and energy therapies. Daniela recalls the nature and intrinsic benefits of this upbringing recognizing the early influence of traditional energetics as the beginning of her own self-healing journey.

Her knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the channel systems and inner pathways (which define Module 1 of her co-taught Yoga Teacher Training course) came from the teachings of her Kung Fu Master in Mexico city, and her first experience with yoga was to seek out a physical experience to complement her passion for rock climbing. It was in this first yoga practice that the spirit of the teachings touched her. Pursuing this she opened her heart to the spiritual mantra and prayer influenced by Shiva Rea and Shivamukti Yoga in Mexico at the time.
India soon called and on arrival it completely stole her heart. Travelling, she soon aligned with Acro Yoga Teacher, Emily Baxter, with whom she travelled in India teaching traditional yoga and demonstrating as her acro yoga student. Her journey then took her to Bali, where she met Carlos gaining momentum for the Acro Yoga movement in Ubud. After a call to return to Mexico, the universe conspired in her favour to create a healing space in the form of a yoga studio in Monterrey, Mexico. After birthing this project her son was soon to follow. Rising to motherhood and her pursuit for spiritual and physical balance she manifested and launched School of Healing Arts – Teacher Training (YTT) Program. The 200 Hour program is the ultimate immersion in pathways to health through yoga and devotion which she now co-teaches with Carlos Romero at The Yoga Barn.
A 300 hour combined course option is available and made up of three 100 hour immersion modules. The first of which, ‘Inner Pathways’ is a blend of Chinese Medicine meets Thai Yoga Massage. A second 100 hour module being taught at The Yoga Barn 17 to 28 September this year is ‘Mandala Tandava’. ‘Mandala Tandava’ (meaning Circle & Dance) is the art of teaching flow methodology fusing salutations through vinyasa yoga with mythological deity archeotypes and their correlating directions and natural elements. The final module of ‘Vaidika Dharma’ is 100 hours being taught 6 to 16 December and is the art of devotion, it is less about the physical practice and more about the spiritual path of Vedanta; an influence from her ongoing studies with Swami G. Students craving studies of the ancient texts with an application to modern living will love this module.
It can be taken as a 100 hour immersion or as part of the overall YTT 300 hour curriculum. Steeped in spiritual practice this module deepens the student experience to more subtle, releasing and awakening pathways of yoga. The healing focus being on the heart and balancing of the mind.
Always up for fun and play, Daniela also takes advantage of years of strength building as a gymnast and rock climbing creating a 6 Day Handstand & Movement Camp. Here she will share her knowledge and love of handstands and dance lifts. This course offers personalized tutorials in the art of inverted asana and can be booked online.
As a mother, a healer, yoga teacher and teacher of teachers Daniela is an inspiring source of strength who exercises humility when it comes to speaking of her international pursuits. For Daniela yoga is a practice of wellbeing, self-healing and spiritual uplift. The three practices of healing, yoga and acro-yoga blend and represent her passion for movement as a culture. They all meet each other in her trainings in a strong and powerful way however allowing lots of space for depth and spiritual journeying.
Carlos Romero – Livin’ Inspired
When interviewed, Carlos Romero of Livin’ Inspired shared his story, recalling how a teenage surf trip in Venezuela was the turn key that launched him on a spiritual path. When he discovered how the energetics of yoga through movement could deeply connect him to his own body he was won over. Through his experience on the mat he began to experience the interconnectedness of ‘self’, of the surf he so loved and the universe surrounding him, motivating him to pursue formal yoga training. His earlier studies in Venezuela were with Shivananda, Ashtanga and Jivamukti schools.

This passion soon led him to teaching the eastern discipline whilst studying western Pharmaceutical Science at university. And as with most stories of yogi’s who have stayed the path, his more conventional jobs in the Pharmaceutical industry dissolved away allowing him to explore the healing in yoga.
Delving into Thai Yoga Massage training, Dharma yoga and for the love of community and unity, acro yoga, he began to travel the world: teaching and practicing, following his intuition to Bali 9 years ago.
With the stars aligning for The Yoga Barn he joined the team and has been connecting and inspiring thousands of global travellers for the past 7 years in our tropical studios. Visitors from all over the world have experienced transformation through his artfully curated moment to moment Embodied Movement flows and therapeutic yin practices.
Empassioned to help others, he holds space for students to embark on a personal discovery of the landscapes of their very own mind-body-spirit. In joining one of his classes you will experience an enchanting journey of your inner universe, dropping you deeper into stillness and awareness to discover your own uninterrupted rhythm and frequency. A signature and heart softening element of all Carlos’ classes, workshops and trainings is the blend of healing vibration in the form of sound. Don’t be surprised whilst tucked within your inner world to feel your soul dance to the filtering sounds of world music with drums, singing bowls, traditional flute or guitar. These permeating offerings expand the collective consciousness through layering of voice, instrumental transmission and the presence of silence. All of which is aimed to enhance the discovery of inner pathways to wellbeing as you move from and through dynamic movement to a point of rejuvenation. This trains the physical body’s nervous system to find its resting point whilst the spirit surfs new planes to connect it to the source of its very life force.
More academically Carlos now teaches and treats using Thai Yoga Massage theory and techniques, Thai Osteopathic methods and Craniosacral protocols to reach the subtle body . In 2019 you can book one or all of his training programs confidently contributing to Yoga Alliance Continuing Education accreditation.
So why not gift yourself the opportunity to explore the healing pathways of yoga with his The Art of Healing Touch 100 hour immersion 28 February to 10 March. It includes diving deep into the theory and practice of Thai Yoga Massage and the Fascia Universe. Followed 5 to 10 October by his Infinite Circularities 10 day immersion, a journey of integration to realign with source through the practice of presence, yoga, embodied movement and mindful touch. This course is the exploration of the fascinating world of connective tissue (Fascia) through the body applied through Conscious Vinyasa, Embodied Flow, Yin Yoga, Yin Yang, Somatic Movement, Pranayama and Meditation.
As an E-RYT 500 hour instructor his programs are all Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Certified for those yogis interested in deepening their path and adding the curriculum hours to their training.
Carlos was also recently listed as one of the Top 10 Yoga Teachers in Bali by Compare Retreats Magazine July 2019, take a read here.
Bali Yoga, Massage, Myofascial Release & Teacher Training Workshops
Experience yoga therapeutics in Bali and start integrating Thai Yoga Massage pathways, Myofascial Release techniques from our classes, workshops and Yoga Teacher Trainings. Open your heart and mind and access your untapped potential through new levels of consciousness inside. Click here to merge your pathway to healing with Daniela and Carlos in 2019.